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Hiding Israel’s crime of genocide

Heather Stroud

Updated: Jan 29

Media repeats victimhood narrative to hide true agenda of invading force

When those in power regard truth as inconvenient and too dangerous to be allowed, telling lies and twisting the narrative becomes commonplace.

Injured man on the rubble of a building hit by an Israeli strike in Beit Lahia, northern Gaza
Injured man on the rubble of a building hit by an Israeli strike in Beit Lahia, northern Gaza

Truth is obscured behind a multi-layered barricade of lies and out of context half-truths.

In failing to report honestly and, instead, promoting false information, the mainstream is as guilty as the puppet politicians and those who consider it their right to wield power over the rest of us.

The lies, reported repeatedly and widely, are forced into existence. They take root in the minds of somnolent, compliant individuals.

Those individuals, then believing themselves to be on the side of righteousness, are psychologically conditioned to turn against those who have the audacity to believe that exposing the lies and telling the truth actually matters.

As George Orwell said: In times of deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.

This has never been more true than when the Israeli leadership and its clique of Western supporters present their crime of genocide as self-defence.

In this world of lies and blatant propaganda Israel is the victim, and those who try to expose the falseness of this narrative are regarded as supporters of terrorism. It’s hard to comprehend how, in what we thought to be a democratic and liberal society, this level of deceit could have become so pervasive.

Independent journalists, not controlled by an editorial team with pro-Zionist billionaire bosses in the shadows, have been arrested. Terrorist laws have become repurposed - so as not to arrest actual terrorists, but as a blunt/blockheaded instrument to arrest those who try to tell the truth and correct the false narrative.

For Israel’s crimes to be viewed as legitimate, with episodes of sadistic behaviour regularly posted on social media, humanity is being conditioned to accept a level of depravity unimaginable.

The International Court of Justice, having considered multiple layers of evidence, came to the verdict of plausible genocide. The court considered the factual evidence of deeds plus the evidence of intent. The evidence on both counts was compelling.

The secondary crime that is being pursued by various human rights organisations against named individuals, Western political figures, is that of complicity with genocide. Although a directive was made by the International Court for the genocide to cease, the Israelis not only continued bombing Gaza, they have intensified their genocide - introducing even more inhuman ways to slaughter men, women and children.

With intent to create a wider war arena the Israelis have recklessly extended their murder of civilians and political resistance leaders to other countries with attacks against Lebanon, Syria and Iran.

During all this time the British Government has continued to give both moral and, although recently moderated, military support. In such circumstances, as outlined in International Law, British officials are complicit in supporting the ongoing genocide.

In such a dire situation, where accountability threatens to reach political decision-makers on a personal level, one can see a clear motive for government to hold fast to Isreal’s victimhood and keep a tight rein on the narrative and public discourse.

The question here then becomes debatable as to who are the terrorists?

I believe that for right-minded individuals the answer is clear. The terrorists are those committing terror and genocide on a largely unarmed civilian population - the majority of victims being women, children and babies.

In a state of brainwashed superior mental derangement, Israeli soldiers, having widely posted these atrocities on social media, mock their victims with callous disregard for human life. The victims are considered sub-human.

In international law a brutal occupying entity does not have the right of self-defence. On the other hand, those who are occupied, not only have a right to armed resistance, but when the occupying power is carrying out a slow genocide by restricting movement, water, food and medical supplies, they not only have the legal right of self-defence, they also have a moral responsibility to take action and not accept the subhuman conditions imposed upon them or their children.

As a prelude to justifying genocide, false allegations of rape, and the story of forty decapitated babies burnt in ovens, was widely publicised to arouse anger and hatred. These claims, later confirmed to be false, continue to be repeated over and over again - repeated not only in Israel but in the U.S. and Western countries as well.

In any rational sense these deliberately constructed false claims should be regarded as hate speech with intent to incite violence.

Yet it is the journalists, writers and those who have the boldness to address this misinformation and report the details of atrocities, who are now defined as promoting hate speech, as racist, antisemitic and even more alarming, terrorist.

The upside-down logic is not only irrational, it grates harshly against what is fair and what is true. If we are not all outraged by this injustice then maybe the toxic lies have taken deep root beyond a level where truth can penetrate.

Society is changing in dangerous ways. When the homes of independent journalists are raided in the early hours of the morning, where is the outrage by the mainstream media? Where is the outrage over the genocide in Gaza?

Given the current aims of predatory global dominance, the wars that we see today will only broaden and become ever closer to home. Right now the Palestinians are on the frontline.

Their battle for freedom is our battle tomorrow.


This article was first published in The Light Newspaper, Issue 51, of Nov 2024. Very minor edits have been made in this version.

1 komentář

(12. 2.)

Thank you, A necessary summary of the current situation. This is a narrative that must be repeated and reinforced into the future if we are to have any hope of a victory for truth and justice. It is also a foundation for building, or rebuilding, a society which can find consensus around human rights and the development of 'peace' as an aspiration and alternative to war.

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