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Join Us

CAMPAIN welcomes as members all those who support our mission.

As a member you will get:

  • monthly campaign updates

  • the opportunity to join a highly informative online group where members share information and opinions 

  • the opportunity to join our campaigning at a national and local level


Members may also contribute to the running of CAMPAIN. You will be entitled to attend the AGM and stand for the Executive Committee.


To join you must:​

  • agree to our mission statement

  • complete the membership form below

  • pay a membership fee of £20 per annum per calendar year starting March 1st (or £10 if you join after September 1st)

We also have a special low-income/unwaged rate of £10 per annum.


If you would like to join, please fill in the form below and pay the membership subscription.  Any information you send us will be held securely and will not be shared with any other group. We respect the privacy of our members and supporters.

We also welcome donations from those able and willing to assist with our running costs.

How to pay:

1. by bank transfer to our Unity Trust account:

Account Name: CAMPAIN

Sort code 60-83-01

Account number: 20486536

2. by standing order to the same account

3. by cheque.

Please email our Treasurer David Mond at if you want to pay by cheque, or for further information.

Application for Membership

Please take the time to fill out the information below.

I confirm that I have paid my annual subscription:

Contact Us

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